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Rocks In My Dryer: Every Single Stinkin’ Thing I Ever Learned About Potty Training

Below is a link to a post from a mother who writes about "Every Single Stinkin' Thing" she ever learned about potty training. The article is eloquent and hits the nail on the head!

"Before these days get any further behind me, I thought I should write down everything I learned about this most glamorous parenting task. If nothing else, I want to be able to show it to my own children when they come to me 20 years from now, frustrated that little Shannon Junior isn't complying with their potty demands. I will give them a gentle hug, point them to this post, and then walk away, smirking (just an bit) when I think of all the carpet cleaning bills I've paid over the last decade.

Potty training can be overwhelming, and even when it's going well, there are setbacks. If YOU are a potty training momma, then Honey, you just get yourself a Diet Coke and come sit next to me. Let me tell you what I've learned."

Read the Entire Original Post: Rocks In My Dryer: Every Single Stinkin' Thing I Ever Learned About Potty Training
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