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Potty Training Aid – Tinkle Tube – Baby Rock Apparel

By Baby Rock Apparel, the Tinkle Tube is a new tool for potty training boys on the go. Inexpensive and easy to carry around, the Tinkle Tube can be whipped out at a moment's notice when your little boy says, 'Mommy, I have to go Potty!'.

The manufacturer gives very specific instructions about how to place the tube on your child's 'little soldier.' (See below.) I guess it's primary function is not to actually pee INTO but rather to function as an aiming tool. It helps to get the pee in the correct location, while keeping your hands clean.

I don't have a little boy and can't fully appreciate the benefit of the aiming function (I'm sure many of you would disagree) and I can't help but picture it as a little penis crutch. Where the product would come in handy, I think, is as an emergency potty-on-the-go. I can't think of how many times I frantically ran around a store trying to find the bathroom....or ran around the park looking for a bush. With the Tinkle Tube, a potty is never as far away as your purse.

From the Baby Rock Website:

The Tinkle Tube is simple tool that allows you to assist your little dude to go potty while out on the go during the oh so fun potty training period. You can even use it as an emergency toilet while on the go.

Benefits - FAST, EASY & CLEAN - Reduces time in the restroom, no need for toilet seat covers, more sanitary than toilet seat covers, prevents the child's clothes from getting wet, acts as an emergency toilet when traveling, no need to entirely take off shoes, pants/shorts or underwear, packs easily into a travel or diaper bag, reusable, and washes out easily with soap and water or an antibacterial agent, prevents you from touching boys little soldier, which keeps you and the child clean. Boys have fun using the Tinkle Tube!

How does it work? - Stand the child on or in front of the toilet seat with your assistance. Be sure to hold the child securely at all times to prevent him from slipping and falling. Unzip or pull down the boys pants. Remove both caps from the Tinkle Tube. Place the Tinkle Tube over the boys little soldier. Now hold and aim the tube towards the toilet. Shake the tube out, rinse and replace the caps. Store the Tinkle Tube in your bag for the next use.

How do you care for the Tinkle Tube? - Wash with soap and water or an antibacterial agent after use. Do NOT place the Tinkle Tube or caps in the dishwasher. Do NOT bend the Tinkle Tube.

WARNING - Never allow a child to stand on the toilet seat alone. Do not allow the child to put the tube or caps in his mouth. Do not use the tube if it cracks.
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