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Does Household Income Determine When You Potty Train?

Does Household Income Determine When You Potty Train?

 An interesting concept....does your socioeconomic status determine when you feel it's appropriate to toilet train?

A study was done recently which surveyed a number of parents across different socioeconomic and racial backgrounds - and differences were definitely noted between the groups.

The whole group of parents felt that the average age at which toilet training should be initiated was at about twenty months, with a range between 6 to 48 months. White/Caucasian parents, on the other hand, believed that potty training should be started at a considerably later age (25.4 months) compared with both African-American parents (18.2 months) and parents of other races (19.4 months). Other factors which determined when parents believe it is time to initiate toilet training were race and higher income. Higher income equaled later training, and lower incomes were correlated with earlier training. Perhaps the possibility of not having to pay for diapers was incentive for the lower-income parents to get the process done earlier.

At the Potty Boot Camp we have always advocated "earlier" potty training in part due to the outrageous cost of diapers.  The average cost of diapering a child until age three is thousands of dollars!  But early potty training also increases your child's self esteem and send of independence.  What are your thoughts?

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