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Compelling Reasons to Consider Infant Potty Training

Below is a link to an article by Laurie Boucke, which outlines the medical community's views on infant potty training (also known as elimination communication.) She gives a very unique perspective on the topic - and how BILLIONS of people in the world think it is very natural and typical to never diaper their children. She also presents on of the best arguments I've ever hear about why early potty training is not damaging to children.

"If any harm is caused during any form of toilet training or any other aspect of child-rearing, it is generally caused by the overall parental approach, behavior and use of punishment (and not the fact that you are potty training an infant). In other words, there may be parents who are not ready for IPT, whereas a healthy infant in a stable and loving environment is ready if you are."

Click below to read Laurie's article. It is compelling reading.

Medical Views on Infant Potty Training

Post by Suzanne Riffel, author of "The Potty Boot Camp: Basic Training for Toddlers" - a new, fast, easy toilet training method that produces remarkable results.
  • Hi! I just wanted to thank you so much for your great, short, concrete book! My son was going to lose his preschool spot on Sept 1st if we couldn't get him trained and he's a VERY stubborn almost 3 …

  • "Potty Boot Camp Works For Me"

    We received a glowing review from the blog "Epic Mommy Adventures" today.  Natasha used The Potty Boot Camp to help potty train her son and wrote a blog post about her experiences.  I love …

  • The first day can be rough...but the hard work is worth it.  Read below a testimonial from a family who stuck with the program and it paid off by day #2.

    "So we started our first day yesterday!  Let me …

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