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Bladder Infection Causes Problems with Potty Training

Another "Question and Answer" from real users of The Potty Boot Camp program.  This mom started potty training and shortly into the program her daughter developed a bladder infection.  This can, as you imagine, hamper your efforts to become diaper free.  

(In the question/answer below, you'll notice references to "Day 1" and "Day 2" - these steps are detailed in our book, The Potty Boot Camp.)


I ran into a roadblock this morning. My two year old daughter woke up with a bladder infection. Previously, she seemed to be scared of the potty as we began training.

I now understand why she was so scared to go on the potty -  he was in pain from the infection! I've worked so hard these last four days and now I had to put her back into a pull up. I tried getting her on the potty but she just cries immediately and wants to be taken off.

What should I do????? Should I stop and take a break? If so, how would I proceed after she feels better? I've been stressed out all day and just need to know if stopping the potty training is going to be a huge set back.   


Oh my....a bladder infection will definitely throw a wrench into things.

I would consider taking a break...but make sure you talk to her about stopping only because of the infection.  During the break, continue to talk to her about using the potty again very soon.  You might want to still take her to the potty, but let her sit there with her pull-up on, if that's what makes her comfortable.  In addition, make her do as much of her diaper changes/cleanup as she is capable of doing herself.  

When you get going again, you can start from the Day #2 procedure- no need to fully repeat Day #1 - she understands what needs to happen.  

Let me know if you have more questions as you get going again.  Hang in there!  

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